by Oli — Fri 26 July 2024

So I guess I should start with some updates.

The first reason for my hiatus is because I was supremely busy with school, namely two semesters worth of physiological chemistry, my nemesis. I passed with a grade that I am very much happy with, and that’s that.

I like to think that as a hard-working student, my Sims would have a similar work ethic. Well… Sim-Jakob’s on academic probation (poor guy was working full time + school) and Sim-Oli is barely passing. Let me tell you, when I saw those grades... my jaw was on the floor. Like, irl Jakob just got his MSc from Brown with all As and I made the Dean’s List at my school once or twice so I suppose I also know a thing or two (just don’t ask me about chemistry). So, this type of performance was simply unheard of! Inexcusable! A sacrilege! An outrage!

Obviously, arrangements were made so that Sim-Jakob could focus on school full time and return to work at the SimIA after graduation. Sim-Oli on the other hand (god just like me frfr), is taking the slower pace and chose to do a half-course load so they can still make money as a Barista (formal title Bean Blender).

Sim-Oli in the Bean Blender uniform with Gonzoonzofuzzywuzzykiss Finley

Both Sim-Oli and Sim-Jakob’s grades have since improved, thankfully.

These new arrangements have also given Sim-Jakob some time to enjoy himself and bond with Pony, who he swears he does not like.

Sim-Jakob and Pony having some late-night bonding time together.

Sim-Jakob maintains that he does not like Pony, that he does not like riding, and he CERTAINLY would never take her over any jumps because that’s something only crazy people (à la, moi) would do.

Maybe Pony talked him into it, but Sim-Jakob looks pretty pleased here…

Sim-Jakob and Pony staring down a rather big size jump for someone who has very little riding experience, on a horse that is far too old for such tomfoolery.

Sim-Jakob and Pony chose the smaller option. Smart move.

Just look at those happy faces. Isn’t that just precious?

Anyways, after that wonderful little adventure, Pony made the executive decision to visit a friend in a neighboring pasture. Given that Pony is perhaps in fact older than Methuselah, Sim-Oli was naturally a little concerned about Pony’s whereabouts. But once Sim-Oli saw this scene, they knew not to intervene.

Pony and an unnamed horse, grazing and playing together, in a random paddock nearby.

That was taken in September 2023.

I was quite literally so busy with school and stuff that I haven’t had any downtime to write about The Misadventures of Pony The Polka Dot Appaloosa since then.

Anyways, the second reason that I’ve been gone is because I play the Sims rotationally. Like, yeah, I’ve obviously got this save file which I created only a few months after I met Jakob (I still can’t believe that was almost 4 years ago.) And then I’ve got one for my original characters that I created prior to the pandemic.

The Sim on the left is Aoife, from my second generation. She’s a level 10 actress that lives in Windenburg with her husband Keenan (not pictured). She was in her third trimester in this photo and still going to work doing scenes like this!

Historically I will tend to delete a Sim household after maybe… 1 generation if that. But I was determined (and still am) to see this one through -- 10 generations, one legacy (I’m only on Gen 4 btw). There were no hard and fast rules at the start like some legacy saves might have (e.g., NSB, Rags to Riches, Decades) because the Sims 4 is my sandbox and goddammit I wanted to build my sand castle the way I want to.

Anyways, the legacy save file, which I could absolutely write a whole blog post SERIES about by the way -- is a calamity on a good day and a catastrophe on a bad day. Like, there’s always SOMETHING happening. It makes it fun, but also kind of bricks my laptop if I’ve been playing for 4+ hours (it’s a whole ordeal and a story for another time. Stay tuned for the next blog post.)

Bricked laptops and chaos aside, frankly I get a little bored of that drama-filled world every now and then. So I’ll go back and open up the Pony and Friends save, like I did just the other day.

It’s like Carebear land in comparison to the other one, doesn’t brick my laptop, and it gives me a blank canvas to design our ever-evolving “Bullshit Budget” house without worrying about who I’m evicting from the property.

I’ve still got Pony, Gonzo, Murphy, and nothing bad ever happens.

Except for the alien abduction two days ago.

I looked away for two seconds to lovingly stare at Pony, and I see this super bright light out of the corner of my eye so I look over and oops my boyfriend got abducted by aliens. All I could do was laugh. It was like, 11PM irl and I’m in the home office wheezing through my nose trying to be discreet as my Sim-boyfriend just got fucking abducted while grilling (SPATULA STILL IN HAND!) at 2AM Sims time.

A zoomed out picture of Sim-Jakob getting abducted by aliens. It’s dark out, somewhat overcast, and nobody was around to witness this strange event.

He came back unharmed, and I think the only one who noticed his absence was Pony… oops. Sorry Sim-Jakob. Nothing else unusual happened that night as Jake promptly turned off the grill and hid upstairs for a while squawking to Gonzo about the ordeal.

Well, except for this.

A ghost (I think Jacques Villareal) came and tended to our plants in the pouring rain while Pony was… doing whatever it is Pony does.

Anyways, that’s all I got for now!

This is Oli, signing out.
