PONY & FRIENDS, PART II: “hey honey, i adopted a dog”

by Oli — Sun 24 September 2023

Today’s blog post is inspired by this homebrew of a meme:

Let me explain: My beloved partner in crime and dearest companion, is an old man at heart. It’s not like that’s an insult, either -- he’s rather chivalrous, buys me flowers, feeds me, all the things you could want in a partner. He’s very good at this adulting thing for a young adult; So is his clone, Sim-Jakob.

Sim-Jakob is off to University (part-time) for a degree in Computer Science, you see.

And when he’s not at school learning how to program or how to knit (that’s the elective course he’s taking this semester), he’s actually a Secret Agent at SimIA. And because his work starts immediately after his classes get out, he’s constantly coming and going to and from school in a proper work uniform. I just couldn’t get this picture out of my head -- poor poor Jakob, a very adulty adult, trying to blend in and make friends while dressed like he’s fresh out of the academy.

Because he’s the first one out, it’s led to some pretty funny interactions in the morning if Pony is out on her morning perimeter check (she’s very clever). Here they are now, having a lovely discussion about the local farmer’s market, probably.

As for little old me? My Simself is going for a degree in something, but I can’t remember what right now, so I’m sure I’ll have an update by the time they graduate. I think they’re going to the same school as Sim-Jakob, though. I think. In any case, they’re taking a rather heavy courseload, and this left very little time for Pony. You can imagine that Pony felt kinda neglected suddenly not having all of the attention, and she’s very keen to let everyone in the entire neighborhood know. At 5 AM.

When Sim-Jakob is trying to sleep in on his 1 of 2 days off. So in between classes, work at the SimIA, and maintaining a very strict fitness regimen… Sim-Jake gave up the tough guy act and decided that he would befriend Pony. (I wish he would’ve done so with a helmet on, but I digress.)

Nothing else very notable happened that day, as my Simself was doing homework for all of their waking hours. But the NEXT day was rather intriguing!

With Sim-Jake away at school, and then work, and with all of my Simself’s homework done for the day, they suddenly had some time to kick back with Pony.

And on their lovely little stroll, my Simself happened upon a stray dog. Twice, actually -- the first time, they were flying by so quickly on Pony that they hadn’t seen the little guy.

But something said to my Simself to turn back around and check on the pup. It was rather sickly!

Now, in the Simverse you can’t very well just scoop up a sick dog and bring it to the vet -- you have to get to know the critter first. But the problem was, the hound kept falling asleep mid-interaction!

My Simself KNEW they had to interfere.

So they flung themselves off of Pony (who wasn’t very pleased) and spent a good 30 minutes trying to lure this puppy to Brindleton Pawspital. (BTW Sim-Jakob has no idea any of this has happened yet.) The pup was finally awake long enough to interact with my Simself for more than a quick hi and bye. It took many treats and snuggles, but this puppy trusted my Sim and knew it would be in good care.

Pony was moderately annoyed at this detour, so she went on her merry way home.

(The team hadn’t gotten very far when they found Murphy).

Now at the vet, my Simself has plenty of time to come up with some diplomatic way to say “hey honey i adopted a dog” in a text to Sim-Jake. Do they do that?

No. They simply snuck Murphy in (now with a cone on his head because he got neutered too) and pretended like he just showed up.

Sim-Jakob was upstairs browsing the intelligence database as a work-from-home assignment, came downstairs to go investigate the commotion (mainly to go work out), chose not to acknowledge that there was a giant Bernese Mountain Dog taking up 93% of the foyer, and walked away.

In Sim-Jakob’s, and real Jakob’s defense, they are a rather big responsibility, and it could be a hair bit shocking to see one just hanging out in your house!

As the night goes on, and they discuss the situation like real adults over homework-dinner… having heard the dreadful tale of Murphy Finley, Sim-Jake is perfectly fine, actually, with having another family member. (Mr. Beanbags is still undecided. Pony is warming up to him. My Simself would die for him.)

Please welcome to your hearts Mr. Murphy

Next in the saga: Pony meets a horse friend, Jakob tries jumping, and more!